Info H.T. English

Information on Human Trafficking

Tandale (Dar-es-Salaam) prostitution: a challenge 

Hyena Square Tandale © Jeffrey Porter

In the parish of Tandale, in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania there is a place called « Uwanja wa fisi », Hyena Square, where near bars, small restaurants and hairdressers, women sell their bodies as merchandise… It is a famous place for prostitution in Dar es Salaam. 
Passing by to meet these women, saying to herself « Lord, I know you are already here! » Sr. Cecylia Bachalska discovered that these women caught up in prostitution have a very close relationship with Jesus! Read more.  

Remaining with a few children during the Covid-19 at Malindi (Kenya)

Before the Covid-19 Pandemic, at the Pope Francis Rescue Centre we had 43 children but on the 20th March, we were asked by the Government to move most of the children elsewhere and remain only with those who were admitted by Court Order and those with difficult cases especially incest, whose families are not ready to receive them back. Lire la suite →

Advocacy activities in Gumo (Ghana)

On October 7 to 11, 2017 the major superiors of Ghana had a seminar on advocacy for justice. The biggest concern that emerged was the phenomenon of the Kayayei (female porter) where poor young Ghanaian women, age 7 years and above, migrate to larger cities to carry traders’ and shoppers’ wares and purchases on top of their heads for little money. Lire la suite 

Solwodi-Germany shares with Solwodi-Kenya during the Coronavirus

In Germany, despite the closing of brothels on March 16, prostitution continues and affected women are asking us for help, because their situation has worsened. In Kenya the monthly income averages only 114 euros. This makes buying basic food a big problem for many people, as the price for a kilo of rice is 1.29 euros. Lire la suite 

Struggle against human trafficking in Quebec 

Our General Chapter of 2011 recommended that we  »intensify our commitment to the service of Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation and make it the common thread that runs through all our missionary commitment » 
Reading the Congregation’s newsletters, I am very impressed by the number of our sisters
who have committed themselves to the fight against human trafficking by doing prevention
work and caring for the victims. I share with them, as I represent our America Entity in the Action Committee against Internal and International Human Trafficking (CATHII ). Read more. 

Gumo (Ghana) fights human trafficking

Gumo community is quite committed in their fight against human trafficking.
Prosperine, Caritas and Sabine followed the online course on Human Trafficking and Project
Management offered by St. Leo University from January to April. They are very happy with
the training and the important tools acquired.
Sabine is part of the Street Invest Network coalition. Although due to the coronavirus they were unable to carry out their plans for the International day of Street Children, Read more.  

St Bakhita celebration in Nouakchott (Mauritania)

On Sunday 9th February, during adoration time at the parish, we used a prayer, sent by  Sr Begoña for the feast of St.Josephine Bakhita, for all the victims of human trafficking and to ask for the conversion of traffickers. 

On that … Lire la suite


Celebration of the Day of Awareness and Prayer for Human Trafficking in Madrid and Alcalá de Henares

This year the Interchurch Group against Human trafficking prepared the prayer vigil based on the diary of St. Josefina Bakhita, with testimonies of victims of this explotation and biblical texts, to show that what happened to Bakhita still happens today … Lire la suite

Talitha Kum grows in Burkina Faso

The Talitha Kum Burkina team with Sr. Gabriella Botelli, Talitha international coordinator.In October 2019 the Union of Major superiors of Burkina/Niger (USMB/N) invited the Talitha Kum Burkina team to share with them on human trafficking and on the Talitha Kum network. I prepared the presentation that was given by Sr. Yvonne Clémence Bambara of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd, with whom I collaborate as member of the Talitha Kum Bobo committee. Our sharing was an eye opener for many major superiors who expressed their desire to support the efforts of the existing committee in order to create greater awareness on human trafficking in our country and region. Read more.

A march to create awareness about child trafficking

March against child trafficking organized by the girls of Salaga College (Tamale, North Ghana).

The girls of Salaga College organized a peaceful march, with signs, to educate parents and society about the dangers of child trafficking. The march is a follow-up to an awareness program by Sabine and her staff on human trafficking which has taken place in several schools. We are pleased to see that awareness is making its way among young people. Read more.

The road travelled by Solwodi Germany during 2019

In April Solwodi organized a world congress in Mainz against the sexual exploitation of women and girls.  The first success : a parliamentary group emerged in Berlin to ban the purchase of sexual acts.
Our clients who have been victims of human trafficking and who have ended up in prostitution have experienced great cruelty.  Violence against women occurs in many places and settings, even in the Church where even Sisters are victims of sexual violenceRead more.

Prostitution tramples on the dignity of women

In an interview by SOLWODI of Prof. Dr. Elke Mack, of the University of Esfurt, she defends the nordic model – the prohibition of the purchase of sexual acts, itroduced in 1999 in Sweden, which has been successfully legalized in several countries. As a Christian, she sees it as the only convincing way to protect women against sexual exploitation. Read more.

African Bishops Call for Action Against Child Trafficking

“The protection of minors is an integral part of the Gospel message hence there is need to create a safe environment for them, giving priority to their interests”, said the Archbishop of Blantayre, Malawi, Msg. Thomas Luke Msusa, addressing the African Bishops during the SECAM meeting, (Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar). Yet, child trafficking, child labour and the issue of child soldiers continue to persist in many parts of the world, despite laws against it, according to Fides News Agency. Read more.

Pope Francis: Free women from the slavery of prostitution

Pope Francis contributes the preface to a new book on human trafficking, entitled « Women crucified”, by Fr Aldo Buonaiuto, a priest of the Pope John XXIII Community. The shame of human trafficking as told from the street ».
In the preface, Pope Francis recalls one of his Mercy Friday visits to a house run by the Pope John XXIII Community for victims of human trafficking. “I did not think I would find such humiliated, afflicted and suffering women there”, writes the Pope. “Truly, women crucified”.
Pope Francis describes listening to “the moving and very human stories of these unfortunate women, some of them with their child in their arms”. Afterwards, he says he felt the need to “ask forgiveness for the real tortures they had to endure because of their clients, many of whom call themselves Christian”. Read more. 

First International Day of Street Children celebrated in Tamale

March of street children of Tamale

The International Day of Street Children was celebrated in Tamale for the first time, thanks to the initiative of the Centre for Development and Policy Advocacy (CEDEPA) supported by ADAMFO Ghana and with the collaboration of some religious institutions. To … Lire la suite →

Migration from domestic work from Africa to West Asia

GAATW, The Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women has started a project, together with the International Domestic Workers Federation, to document the experiences of women from six African countries who migrate for domestic work to West Asia. The field work  involved several groups of respondents: potential and returnee migrant domestic workers, their families, recruitment agencies and brokers (formal and informal), trade unions and NGOs supporting migrant domestic workers, and government officials. In March the project team met to discuss the progress of the field research, reflect on the research process, and build the national researchers’ capacity in data analysis and report-writing. Reade more.

Sisters support Nigeria’s migrants traumatized by trafficking 

Sr. Bibiana Emenaha of the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul speaks to students in February at a rural school in Edo on the dangers of trafficking. (Courtesy of the Committee for the Support of Dignity of Women)

Sr. Bibiana Emenaha of Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul is the current coordinator at the Committee for the Support of Dignity of Women (COSUDOW), where she leads the advocacy and campaigns in fighting human trafficking in Nigeria. Founded in 1999 by the Nigerian Conference of Women Religious, the committee collaborates with other anti-trafficking organizations. Six local nongovernmental organizations have joined COSUDOW in the fight against trafficking, too.
Since 2017, the United Nations’ International Organization for Migration (IOM) has flown home more than 10,000 Nigerians who could not get to Europe after being in countries like Libya, Mali and Niger. Read more.

Pastoral Orientations on Human Trafficking

The Migration and Refugees Section of the Dicastery for the Service for Integral Human Development has published the document “Pastoral Orientations on Human Trafficking”, with the aim of understanding, recognizing, preventing, and eradicating the plague of the trafficking of persons, protecting the victims, and promoting the recovery of survivors. Read and dowload the document.

Canada: Anti-trafficking Hotline

Jacqueline Picard a assisté au lancement de la ligne d’urgence pancanadienne contre la traite des personnes. Mme Barbara Gosse, PDG du Canadian Center to end human trafficking (CCEHT) a donné un exposé sur le lancement de cette ligne pour dénoncer … Lire la suite →

Attention… Human Trafficking is here in Karlsruhe

On the occasion of the feast of St Josephine Bakhita, 8th February 2019, the Lavigerie community of  Karlsruhe, Germany organized an evening of awareness raising about human trafficking, in collaboration with « Justice Project », a local NGO.  Weeks before, we had … Lire la suite →

Sensitizing parishioners on human trafficking in Mauritania

On the 8th of February the Church remembers  St. Bakhita, patroness of kidnapped persons and victims of trafficking. We Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of Africa in Nouakchott (Mauritania) have taken this occasion to raise awareness about human trafficking. Because  … Lire la suite →

Raising Awareness on Human Trafficking in Spain

In my commitment against human trafficking, I see the importance of beginning by raising peoples’  awareness.  Sessions to make this reality known are the means used by the team of Talitha Kum Burkina. In November Sr Yvonne (Good Shepherd Sister) … Lire la suite →

8 February 2018 Day of Prayer and Awareness Against Trafficking in persons

MIGRATION WITHOUT TRAFFICKING : say yes to Freedom and no to slavery

The theme for the International Day of Prayer and Awareness against Trafficking in persons 2018 highlights the situation of human trafficking among people on the move: migrants, refugees and internal displaced people.
We are invited to enkindle a light against human trafficking for these brothers and sisters of ours.  Let us enkindle our hearts and lives, so as to be a welcoming light of hope and encounter.  Find the guidelines for the preparation of the prayer vigil.     Read more.

Awareness of Human Trafficking in Burkina Faso

In my commitment against human trafficking, I see the importance of beginning by raising peoples’  awareness.  Sessions to make this reality known are the means used by the team of Talitha Kum Burkina. In November Sr Yvonne (Good Shepherd Sister) … Lire la suite →

Sub-Saharan Africa – Slavery analysis 2016

In 2016, the estimates of modern slavery in Sub-Saharan Africa accounted for approximately 13.6 percent of the world’s total enslaved population. In Ghana, there are an estimated 103,300 people enslaved y, of which 85 percent are in forced labour (farming and fishing, retail sales, manual labour and factory work), and 15 percent are in forced marriage. In South Africa, the commercial sex industry, manual labour industries (construction, manufacturing and factory work), and drug trafficking are the sectors with greater slaves… Read more. 

Recognize the symptoms of Human trafficking

Are you or someone you know being trafficked? Is human trafficking happening in your community? Recognizing potential red flags and knowing the indicators of human trafficking is a key step in identifying more victims and helping them find the assistance they need. Read more…

Human trafficking : the facts (UNODOC)

Human trafficking is a crime that shames us all. Every year, thousands of men, women and children fall
into the hands of traffickers, in their own countries and abroad… Read more… 

Human trafficking in the European Union (EU)


Info and graphics indicating the reality of human trafficking in EU , the form it takes in the member states, the percentage by gender and the number of victims, with graphics. Read more…

Slavery and what we buy, today’s fight for tomorrow’s freedom. 

A fact sheet from anti-slavery about the products we buy today that may have been produced through the use of slave labour. Read more…

Trafficking in human beings, the slavery of our times


A fact sheet of the EU about the 5 myths about trafficking in human beings and the EU response. Read more.

Modern slavery fact sheet 


Fact sheet of the antislavery organization on the conditions for a person to be in slavery; different forms of modern slavery; facts about slavery; how to end slavery? and what is being done to end slavery. Read more.