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How to spot fake news – an expert’s guide for young people

Every time you go online, people are competing for your attention. Friends, strangers, businesses, political organisations, charities and news websites all serve up a constant stream of eye-catching pictures, videos and articles, wherever you might go looking for information – Google, Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram or YouTube.

But in the race to catch your eye, not all of these players feel like they have to tell the truth – and you can’t always rely on social media platforms to filter out the falsehoods. The result is fake news: stories that are specially designed to mislead or deliberately misinform people. Read more.

Reveal’s guide to spotting fake news 

 Taken from:

Getting reliable news in the social media age is a perilous endeavor. The rise of sites like Facebook, Twitter and Snapchat has created a digital landscape with an unprecedented combination of immediacy and fractiousness. This dynamic has increased the speed at which important information travels, but it’s also helped spur today’s epidemic of so-called fake news.

It’s important to understand, just how complex news consumption has become. So what should you read? It’s not an easy question to answer… We propose some steps to get to differentiate the truth from the ‘fake’… Read more.